See how Nex can help you check how many and which products need replacement.
The purchase suggestion is a tool that facilitates your stock control! This feature uses the sales record of the last 60 days, combined with the minimum and maximum stock limits configured for each product, thus calculating a suggestion of the necessary replacement quantity for each item. In this way, it is possible to keep the stock within the configured minimum and maximum, facilitating control and preventing missing or overstocked items.
1. On the Stock menu, access the CURRENT STOCK tab.
2. Click on the ARROW icon.
3. Click on TOOLS and then on PURCHASE SUGGESTION.
4. If you want to filter the information, showing products from a single supplier, click on BY SUPPLIER, then on the ARROW to the right of the field to choose the supplier.
5. Click on the DISC icon in the upper right corner to EXPORT the list.
6. Click on the PRINTER icon in the upper right corner to PRINT the list.
Done! You now have a report with purchase suggestions for your inventory, based on the minimum and maximum inventory settings for the products.