Check in the report the profitability generated by each product that was sold in a certain period.
Profitability indicates whether sales are sufficient to cover expenses and generate profit. To calculate profitability, you need to compare net income with gross revenue. Click here to learn more about how profitability is calculated.
In addition, this report displays the profitability of each product sold in the selected period. For the system to perform this calculation, it is necessary that the cost price of the product is registered before the sale (learn more).
1. On the left side menu, click on STATISTICS.
2. Select the PROFIT BY SOLD PRODUCT report.
3. Click on the DATE to select the PERIOD to generate the report.
4. Select the TYPE of the query, whether by transaction or register date.
5. Check the option to DEDUCT AMOUNT FROM RETURNED PRODUCTS, if needed.
6. You can also PRINT or EXPORT the report by clicking on the THREE DOTS icon to select the option.
Done! You've learned how to generate the Profit by Product Sold report and can change the dates to view a different period.