In this tutorial you will learn how to generate a sales report by customer and category, through the Statistics menu.
With the customer and category report, you can analyze all transactions carried out with your products in the period you select. You will be able to view the categories most purchased by your customers or specify the category corresponding to your need, you will be able to define which categories are most purchased by your customer and create merchandise positioning strategies within your location, leading your customer to purchase more products.
1. Access the STATISTICS menu, located in the left sidebar of your program.
3. You can select a CUSTOMER to check current sales in each category.
4. It is also possible to select a CATEGORY to see the sales made for each customer in this category.
5. Click on the DATE to choose the PERIOD for the search.
6. Click to choose the TYPE of the search, either by TRANSACTION or REGISTER DATE.
7. You can click on the ARROW icon to EXPAND ALL RECORDS and see complete results.
8. Click on the THREE DOTS to PRINT or EXPORT. A file is generated in Excel (.xls) format.
Among the information provided by this report, we have:
Code. Prod.: Indicates the product code.
Code. Extra: Indicates the extra code of the product, to have it.
Product: Description of the product.
Quantity: Indicates the number of units sold of this product.
Unit Cost: Unit cost price per product
Total cost: Total cost price sold per product
Unit sales. Unit sales price.
Total sales: Total sales per product.
Earnings ($): Difference between cost price and sales price. (Sale price - Cost price = Earnings per unit sold).
Earnings (%): Percentage of earnings over the total cost price of the product, that is, which does not represent earnings per unit, but rather per total sales in the selected period.
Losses ($): Value of losses for total products sold in the selected period. Losses are generated when the sales price is lower than the registered cost price.
Losses (%): Percentage of losses over the total cost price of the product.
Done! You have learned to generate the sales report by customer and category.