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How to generate a report on customers purchasing a product

See how to generate a report that shows which customers purchased a specific product in your store.


  • This feature is available to Nex subscribers. Learn more about our plans.
  • Nex generates a report for a specific period, chosen by the user. The system uses the opening and closing date of the till to include the transactions made in the report. Therefore, it is recommended to open and close the cash register daily (more information).

What is the sales by customer or product report?

This report is used to check which customers purchased a specific product in your store and which products purchased a specific customer.

In this tutorial we will see which customers buy a specific product. To see which products a particular customer purchased, click here.

Shall we generate information about customers who buy a product?

1. In the menu on the left side, click on the STATISTICS icon.

2. Select the SALES BY CUSTOMER PRODUCT report.

3. Select the PRODUCT you want to analyze by clicking on the ARROW.

4. Click on OK (F2).

5. Select the desired PERIOD to generate the report by clicking on the DATE.

6. Click to choose the TYPE of the query, whether it will be by TRANSACTION or REGISTER DATE.

7. Click on the THREE DOTS to PRINT or EXPORT the report. A file is generated in Excel (.xls) format.

Done! Now you have the list of customers who purchased this product during the selected period.

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