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Cash Register

How to resend closing register report

In this tutorial you will learn how to resend the closing register report correctly.


  • This tutorial uses the register with the new layout. Click here to see the tutorial on how to resend the register closing report with the old layout.
  • The Register management is available only on PREMIUM plan. Learn more about Nex subscription plans.
  • The closing register report must be configured in your Nex. To do this, access the Register menu, click on the gear icon and check that options 8 and 9 are correctly configured. Click here to see how to configure the closing register report.
  • Check the SPAM tray in your email inbox. If the report email is on Spam, it is necessary to configure your email provider to indicate that this email is not spam.
  • When closing the register of the day, wait a minimum of 5 minutes for the program to generate and send the report by mail. In opportunities the program is closed at the moment of closing the register, the system can't prepare and send the file properly.
If the closing register report isn't even on SPAM tray, follow the steps below:

Shall we resend a closing register report?

1. Go to REGISTER menu.

2. Click on PREVIOUS REGISTER tab.

3. Select the REGISTER, click on the THREE DOTS and select RESEND REGISTER REPORT BY E-MAIL.

4. A message will appear indicating that the report will be sent in up to 5 minutes by e-mail, click OK to close.

Done! You have resent the register closing report.

It is important to respect that 5 minutes period the program takes to resend the report, since the shipments are subject to internet availability and the amount of information contained in that register, it may take time to be processed and sent.

Also, check the spam and junk mail folder, sometimes the reports are sent to those inboxes.

See also

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