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Cash Register

How to check transactions details of the current register

In this tutorial you will learn how to check transactions details of the current register


  • This tutorial uses the register with the old layout.
  • The new register layout is available from version C481 onwards. Click here to download the latest version of Nex.
  • This feature is only available to Nex subscribers. Learn more about our subscription plans.
  • It is recommended to open and close the register daily. The program uses opening and closing information to generate reports, allowing greater control of your business.

1. Go to REGISTER menu.

2. On Current Register tab, click on the SEE TOTAL button.

3. A window will open with reports on your current register, the last tab corresponds to all Transactions details.

4. Check the RESULTS.

Transaction Number: Field where the number of the transaction is shown.

Date: Indicates the day, month and year in which the transaction was made, expressed in DD/MM/YYYY.

Time: Contains the time the transaction was made, expressed in hours, minutes and seconds.

Type: Describes the type of transaction, it can be sales, stock adjustment +/-, debt payment, cash income, among others.

Description: Provides details about the quantity and products involved in the transaction: if the field is empty, it means that it did not include any products, for example, money in and out.

Customer: Indicates the name of the client involved in the transaction, if the field is empty, it means that it did not include any client, for example, money inflows and outflows.

Value: Corresponds to the sum of all the products of the transaction, without discounts or added taxes.

Discount: Corresponds to the total discount value granted in the transaction.

Delivery Rate/Shipping Fee: Total value of the delivery rate.

Total: Corresponds to the sum of VI. Products plus delivery fee, plus taxes, less discounts; is the total sale.

Payment Value: Total paid by the customer.

Payment Method: Indicates the customer's choice to pay for the sale; it will be empty if it was not a transaction where a means of payment must be used, and when more than one payment method is used, the word "Mixed" appears.

Debt: In the case of sales on credit, the value corresponding to the debit generated in the customer's account will appear in this column.

Credit: Corresponds to the credit value in favor assigned to the customer's account.

Credit used: If the sale was paid with credit in favor of the customer, the value used will appear in this column.

User: Corresponds to the user who logged into the program.

Salesperson: Corresponds to the seller who made the sale, which is not necessarily the same user where the session was started.

Transporter: Indicates the name of the distributor or transporter of the sale, in case of having delivery.

Cancelled: Indicates if the transaction was canceled (YES) or if it was not (No).

Canceled by: Indicates the name of the user who canceled the transaction, if it is empty, it was not cancelled.

Canceled on: Indicates the date of cancellation.‍

Received by: Name of the user (Different from the name of the seller) who received the payment for the transaction.

5. It is possible to EXPORT, create a REPORT or PRINT TRANSACTIONS results, by clicking on the correspondent button.

This same process is useful to consult various reports that are generated when totalizing the box, such as Means of Payment, Product Movements, Sales by Category and the Financial Summary, you can also export them to Excel, print them and generate reports.

Done! In this way you can consult all the movements, sales and transactions in general that have been carried out in your current box.

See also:

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Cash Register