In this tutorial you will learn how to check the amount received by payment methods in your current register.
1. Go to REGISTER menu.
2. On the Current Register tab, click on SEE TOTAL.
3. A window will open with reports on your current register, the second tab corresponds to the amount received by payment methods.
4. Check the RESULTS.
Payment Method: Indicates the form of payment used by the customer to pay for the sale.
Opening balance: Indicates the amount established to open the register.
Sales: Corresponds to the sum of all sales paid in that means of payment, including canceled sales.
Returns: Sum of all returns in that payment method, it has a negative symbol that indicates that it will be subtracted from the total.
AP Payments: Total value of accounts paid.
Withdrawals: Sum of all manual exits made in that means of payment at the till, for any means of payment.
Added money: Sum of all cash deposits made in the box, only in cash.
Total: Calculation of all income minus exits by means of payment.
5. It is possible to EXPORT, create the REPORT or PRINT PAYMENT METHOD totals.
Done! In this way you can verify the total received differentiated by means of payment in your current box.