The sum of previous cash registers is intended to provide a transaction report, amounts, debts, payment terms and more, within the time period stipulated by you.
This function is available only on the PREMIUM plan. Learn more about Nex subscription plans.
The totalization of previous registers uses the date of opening the register to include it in the ongoing totalization process. It means, it does not use the data of the transactions made within the register in question, the process uses the amounts registered in opened and closed registers. The Nex reports, generally, work in this way, for this reason it is recommended that you open and close the register daily, making it possible to better provide reports.
Let's totalize a period of previous cash registers?
1. On the left side menu, click on the REGISTER icon.
3. Click on VIEW PERIOD button.
4. Click on the ARROWS, on the right side of the DATE fields to inform the period that will be totaled.
You must enter a START DATE and an END DATE.
5. Click on SEE TOTAL button.
Done! Now you can check the previous cashier information report, totaled based on the chosen period.