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How to generate the sales by category and product report

In this tutorial you will learn how to generate a sales report by category or product, within the selected period.


  • This feature is available to Nex subscribers. Learn more about our plans.
  • Nex generates a report for a specific period, chosen by the user. The system uses the opening and closing date of the till to include the transactions made in the report. Therefore, it is recommended to open and close the cash register daily (more information).

What is the sales by category and product report?

This report will provide you with information on all sales made, in the reported time period, by product and category of transactions that have not been cancelled. That is, all sales made that have been canceled will not be considered when generating this report, unlike returned sales transactions, which will be shown.

You will be able to check information such as the amount of sales made, current stock, sales price, unit cost and total cost in stock. This will make it easier to purchase products to supply your stock and build customer loyalty by obtaining the best-selling products.

Shall we generate the sales by category and product report?

1. Go to the STATISTICS menu located in the left sidebar menu.


3. Click on the DATE to choose the PERIOD for the search.

4. Click to select the TYPE of the query, either by TRANSACTION DATE or by REGISTER DATE.

It is possible to apply filters in the Category, Products, Salesperson, Quantity and Suppliers columns.

5. Click the THREE DOTS to PRINT or EXPORT the report results. A file is generated in Excel format (.xls).

This report has four columns, the first one on the right classifies the information by Supplier, Salesperson, Category and product.

  • Quantity: Indicates the number of sales made by that seller, by category and by product.
  • Value: Shows the total sold by that seller, by category and by product.
  • Commission: Shows the commission earned by seller, by category and by product.

Done! You have generated the Sales report by Category and Product. Remember that you can Print or Export to Excel all the reports you generate.

See also:

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