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How to generate the sales quantity report

See how to generate the sales quantity report by Nex on the computer.


  • This feature is available to Nex subscribers. Learn more about our program subscription plans.

Shall we learn how to generate and consult the sales quantity report?

1. Access the STATISTICS screen.

2. Click on SUMMARY.

3. Select the desired PERIOD or DATE.

4. Click to select the TYPE of the query, whether by transaction or register date.

5. Select the TIME FILTER to display the results.

You can generate the report with the date of today, yesterday, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, the last 90 days or choose a custom period.

6. Click on SALES QTY.

7. Check the RESULTS on the screen.

8. You can print or export the screen information by clicking on the THREE DOTS, in the upper right corner of the screen, to select PRINT or EXPORT options.

Done! Now you can check your sales amount in the period you want.

See also:

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