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How to generate the processing fee report

Let's check the processing fee value of sales that were registered in the Nex with card payment?


  • This feature is available to Nex subscribers. Learn more about our plans.
  • Nex generates a report for a specific period, chosen by the user. The system uses the opening and closing date of the till to include the transactions made in the report. Therefore, it is recommended to open and close the cash register daily (more information).
  • It is necessary to configure the processing fee for the payment methods used. See here how to perform this configuration.

What is the processing fee?

When registering a new payment method, you can set up a retention rate for that payment method. This resource was developed so that it is possible to check the amounts that are retained by the card acquirer, being a fee for the service provided. This way, you can be aware of the impacts of these fees on your business.

Let's generate a sales - processing fee report together?

1. Click on the STATISTICS icon in the left side menu.

2. Select the SALES/PROCESSING FEE report.

3. Enter the PERIOD desired to generate the report by clicking on the DATE.

4. Click to select the TYPE of the query, either by TRANSACTION or REGISTER DATE.

5. Check the PROCESSING FEE ANOUNT of the transactions that were carried out. At the bottom of the screen, the total value for the column will be displayed.

It is possible to check the % PROCESSING FEE that was used in the transaction, in addition to the NET VALUE of the sale made.

‍6. If you wish, you can click on the TRHEE DOTS to PRINT or EXPORT the report. When exporting the report, an Excel file (.XLS) is generated.

Done! You can now generate a new report for a different period.

See also:

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