See how to check the financial summary, the payment methods report, stock movement, sales by category and all register transactions.
1. Click on the REGISTER icon.
2. Click on the ARROW icon under CASH REGISTER SUMMARY menu.
3. Review the information under FINANCIAL SUMMARY.
4. On the register screen, click on the ARROW icon, under PAYMENT METHOD menu.
5. Check the TOTAL information BY PAYMENT METHOD.
6. On the register screen, click on the ARROW icon, under SALES CHANNELS menu.
7. Check your SALES CHANNELS information.
8. On the register screen, click on MORE DETAILS, on MOVEMENTS menu.
9. Check the information on the STATEMENT and TRANSACTIONS tabs.
10. It is possible to apply FILTERS.
11. Click on EXPORT to export the results to an Excel file (.xls) or click on PRINT to directly print the results.
Done! You've learned to check cash register reports.