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Cash Register

How to configure the closing register report

See how simple and practical it is to configure the closing register report generated by Nex.


  • This tutorial uses the register with the old layout. Click here to see the tutorial on how to configure the register closing report with the new layout.
  • This feature is only available to Nex subscribers. Learn more about our subscription plans.

Shall we learn how to configure the closing register report?

1. On the left side menu, click on the REGISTER icon.

2. In the upper right corner, click on the GEAR icon.


4. In option 6. WHATSHOULD APPEAR AT THE REGISTERREPORT, check the information that must be included in the closing register report.

If you do not check any of the available information, the report will be generated with the most basic information.

‍5. In option 7. PRINTER, click on the ARROW and select the printer to be used.

6. Inform the 8. FORMAT of the report, if you use PAPER or COIL.

If you select the COIL format, inform the font size of the letter that will be used, the default size is 12.

‍7. If desired, check option 9. SEND CLOSING REPORT BY EMAIL.

8. In option 10, inform which emails should receive the register closing report.

If you want to configure sending to more than one email, enter one email per line.

9. In option 11, configure an identification for the e-mail that will be sent. This identification will be in the SUBJECT of the e-mail.

This procedure is interesting if you have more than one store sending cash closing reports to a single email.

10. In the upper left corner, click OK - F2 to finish.

Done! Now, when you close a register, a register closing report will be automatically generated.

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Cash Register