This tutorial uses the register with the old layout. Click here to see the tutorial with the new layout.
The new register layout is available from version C481 onwards. Click here to download the latest version of Nex.
Nex uses the SALES PRICE and the COST PRICE of the product to calculate the PROFIT generated in its sale, for this reason it is important to have these two pieces of information registered in each product. See here how to configure this information.
The calculation is based on the information that is registered in the product registration at the time of sale, if the information is changed after the sale has been made, it will only be counted for the next sales.
Shall we learn to visualize the profit through the current register?
1. On the left side menu, click on the REGISTER icon to enter the screen.
2. On the Register screen, click on SEE TOTAL.
4. Check in the GROSS PROFIT column the profit values for the movement of each product sold.
5. If you wish, you can EXPORT the report to an Excel file (.XLS) or PRINT this information.