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How to update Nex

See how to update your Nex to the latest version.


  • It is recommended using the system on the most current version, as this way you will have access to the latest features and bug fixes from previous versions. That's why Nex often brings new updates. Follow the updates of Nex through our website:
  • The update will momentarily shut down Nex, so we suggest updating at a quieter moment on your store.

Shall we learn to update the Nex to the most recent version?

1. If you are using version equal to or lower than C476, open Nex and go to the HELP menu, at the upper left side of the screen, then click on UPDATE NEXTAR POS option.

2. Wait until the end of the process and it is done!

3. If you are using a version equal to or greater than C479 click on the ABOUT NEX button, located in the lower right corner of Nex screen.

4. Click on UPDATE and click YES to continue.

5. Wait until the end of the process and it is done!

See also:

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