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Restoring from Backup

Learn how to quickly restore your business data in Nextar POS Software.

What happens after restoring a backup?

The restore procedure automatically creates for safety a backup of your current database before the process starts.
After your backup is restored, your NEX POS will now be based on this new information, the data saved at the time you made your backup.


It’s necessary to have a backup saved on the computer or any external device (HD or flash drive) to restore your NEX data.
Learn how to create a backup.

Let’s learn how to restore data from the backup?

1. Double-click on your NEX SERVER to open it.

2. Select tab 1.Database and press Restore Copy.

3. Select the backup format if it's a copy held in folder or a compacted file (.ZIP) and press Restore Backup.

4. Find and select your compacted file (.ZIP) or select the backup, sub folder from Nex to select a copy held in folder and press Open.
If you’re restoring a backup from another folder, manually select this destination folder and press Open.

It’s always important to confirm the backup date. The name of your backup file is the date you created it, from left to right, starting from the year, month and day, ending with the time.

5. Now let’s wait for the procedure to finish completely and once it appears the message “Files recovered successfully!” just press Ok.

All done! Your backup data was restored and its ready for you to continue using your Nex POS Software.

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