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How to install Nex

Learn how to set up your NextarSoftware to the server and administrator included.


  • Nex is available for the Windows operating system. Click here to view the recommended system requirements.

Shall we install Nex on the computer together?

1. Click here to access the website and download Nex. Using this link, the download will be done automatically. If you prefer, click here to see the complete tutorial on how to download Nex.

2. Click on the the DOWNLOADED FILE ICON to begin the installation process.

3. Click on NEXT.

4. Read the TERMS OF USE, check the option I AGREE and click on NEXT.

5. Select the Nex DESIRED OPTION and click on INSTALL!

If you want to change the installation location, select the second option and search for the new location. If this computer is a customer service terminal, click here to check how to install Nex on a network.

6. Wait for the installation process to finish and click on FINISH to complete the installation process.

Two icons will appear on your desktop:

The Nex Server (or Nex-Serv) is the little red house of the Nex. It must be open for the program to work, as it is responsible for opening and recording information in its database. When opened, it appears next to the Windows clock in the bottom right corner of the screen.

The Nex Admin is the little blue house of Nex. He is responsible for managing your store. It is in Nex Admin that you will work daily, making sales, registering customers, products and much more.

Done! Now you can start using Nex!

See also:

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