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Install Nextar POS Software

Learn how to set up your NextarSoftware to the server and administrator included.

To install you first need to access the Nextar POS Software website through On the website, click Download.

Next, type in your e-mail and click download now.

The software will start to download. When finished open the installer.

In the first screen of the installer click Next. Select the set up location. If this is your server select the "Single computer mode". Then click "Next".

Important: If it is not your server and you want to install on other terminals, learn "How to install on multiple terminals" by clicking here!

Read the terms of use. In agreeing keep the "I agree to the terms of service of the NextarSoftware" marked and click "Install".

Click "Finish". The NextarSoftware will open automatically.

See that two icons will appear on your desktop:

- NexServ: Nextar Server must always be open. When opened it will appear next to the Windows clock in the lower right corner of the screen.

- NexAdmin: your store manager. You will work daily with this manager. You can make sales register customers products and more. See all you can do with the NextarSoftware by clicking here:

All set! Now you can start using the software. As previously mentioned remember to have NexAdmin and NexServ running on your store to be able to work normally.

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