See how practical it is to generate a profitability report by product sold, in a specific period, through Nex on the web.
- This feature is available on Free and Premium plans. Find out more about our subscription plans.
- Nex in the browser is in the implementation phase, and new features will be added soon!
Shall we check the profitability report by product sold by Nex on the web?
1. Click here to access Nex in your browser and log in with the EMAIL and PASSWORD from your Nex account.
2. Access the STATISTICS tab.
3. Under Profitability, click on BY PRODUCT SOLD.
4. Select the desired PERIOD or DATE.
You can generate the report with today's date, yesterday's date, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, the last 3 months or choose a customized period.5. Check the information on the screen.
Done! Now you can check the profitability of your products sold directly through Nex in your browser!
See also:
- How to generate a customer sales ranking report using Nex on the web.
- How to generate the sales report using payment methods using Nex on the web.
- How to generate a billing report using Nex on the web.
- How to generate the gross profit report using Nex on the web.